WCPA Supporting Business Member Policy and Logo Use Guidelines
The WCPA's Supporting Business Member program was designed to facilitate promotion of the WCPA, its purpose, mission, and values. The logos of WCPA are the property of the WCPA and are protected by state and federal laws. Membership in the Supporting Business Member program and use of the Supporting Business Member logo is contingent upon conformity to the following provisions:
- Businesses and Organizations may become a member of the WCPA through an approval process as dictated by the WCPA Board of Directors.
- WCPA Supporting Business Members are considered in good standing if their dues are paid or are in the renewal grace period and are not under review for alleged infringements of this policy.
- Only WCPA Supporting Business Members in good standing may use the WCPA Supporting Business Member logo.
- The WCPA Logo shall always be used with proper discretion and prudence and should not be used in any manner which is derisive to the logo, the WCPA or the law enforcement community.
- It is not necessary for individual members of the WCPA Supporting Business Member to obtain advance approval from the WCPA to use the logo unless you feel uncertain whether your usage will violate our guidelines. However, no third party may use or display the WCPA logo except pursuant to a written agreement with the WCPA.
- The WCPA Supporting Business Member logo can be used on business materials, such as letterhead, catalogs, brochures, advertising, websites, social media platforms, and so forth, to indicate WCPA membership as a WCPA Supporting Business Member.
- While the WCPA Supporting Business Member logo may be used on marketing materials, it should not be used on contracts or items for sale, or vehicles, except for a company’s demo police vehicle.
- Under no circumstances may any Supporting Business Member use the WCPA Supporting Business Member logo in such a manner that the sponsorship, endorsement, approval, or sanction by the WCPA could be construed nor shall the logo be used in such a manner that could explicitly or implicitly be construed as law enforcement identification.
- No member may redraw, reshape, trace, tilt, intersect, or photographically alter or distort the WCPA Supporting Business Member logo or its colors. It may not be outlined, combined with any other symbol, or reversed out of a photographic or pictorial background.
- The WCPA reserves the right to determine in each individual case whether the logo is being properly used to indicate membership or partnership. If the WCPA determines that the logo is being improperly used, the WCPA reserves the right to rescind its usage immediately.
- WCPA Supporting Business Member organizations and their representatives shall abide by the standards of the WCPA including the WCPA’s professional standards. The WCPA reserves the right and has the authority to deny membership or remove membership of any companies/organizations who do not, in our opinion, meet the WCPA’s professional standards.
- Upon termination/expiration of the WCPA Supporting Business Members membership individuals and companies must immediately cease use of the WCPA Supporting Business Member logos on all literature, advertising, business materials, vehicles, etc.
- By applying for the WCPA Supporting Business Membership, the organization and their representatives indicate their acceptance of and agreement to adhere to the terms in this policy. The WCPA Reserves the right to add to or modify this policy at any time. WCPA Supporting Business Members shall be able to access this policy on the WCPA website.
- Indemnification and Hold Harmless. WCPA Supporting Business Members hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the WCPA, its respective officers, directors, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability resulting from Supporting Business Member’s use of the WCPA Logo, and to pay for all legal and other costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) the WCPA might incur in defending any such action.